1. Mount Fuji seen from the Miho beach.
2. Mount Fuji seen from the Mountains.
3. Mount Fuji seen from the Mishima Pass in Kai Province.
4. Rocks, Cliffs and Caves.
5. Rocks, Cliffs and Caves.
6. The Eddies of Naruto Off the Awaji island.
7. Waves and Cannon Shots.
8. Waterfalls.
9. Waterfalls.
Scans source: Jocelyn Bouquillard / Christophe Marquet - Hokusai, Manga - l'Ippocampo, Milano, 2007.
Thanks for these smiles, Miguel :)
Beautiful post Janas!
I used to have the pleasure of handling quite a few of the originals while I was still at the library, these bring back nice memories of leafing through volume after volume of Hokusai. But don't tell anyone, librarians are not supposed to enjoy books! They are just supposed to look at impressum, and maybe enough of the content for an accurate classification and catalogisation. I have now the privilege of describing these pages as just beautiful, without further regards to how many pages, how many characters per line, size etc..
I forgot to leave comments on many other posts I enjoyed immensely so you will have to excuse this longwinded note as some retroactive reaction...
Thank you very much!
With all my best wishes
Welcome back Bolingo, thank you for your friendly comment.
Yes, my luobanian friend, only the pleasure of contemplating these illuminated artworks. The beauty of nature flows, both durable or transient.
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