1. Cape Blanco State Park, Curry County, Oregon.
2, 3. Sitka spruce, Capo Blanco State Park, Curry Country, Oregon.
4. Fort Columbia State Park, Pacific Country, Washington.
5. Cape Blanco State Park, Curry County, Oregon.
6. Clatsop County, Oregon.
. . . the trees have risen one more tìme
and the night wind makes them sound
like the sea that is yet unknown
the black clouds race over the moon
the rain is falling on the last place
W. S. Merwin
7. On Humburg Mountain, Clatsop Country, Oregon.
after an age of leaves and feathers
someone dead
thought of this mountain as money
and cut the trees
that were here in the wind
in the rain at night
it is hard to say it
W. S. Merwin
8, 9. An eroding clearcut, Pacific County, Washington.
Erosion is an inevitable consequence of clearcutting. No people in history have clearcut without damaging the soil. If one turns a globe—China, India, the Near East, Europe, the eastern seaboard of the United States, the upper Midwest—one is reminded that some degree of long-term deforestation has been the rule with clearcutting, and that this in turn has resulted in the diminishment of whole societies. Significantly, China has recently "stopped clearcutting native forests" and has "subsidized retraining of hundreds of thousands of loggers". The Oregonian, January 25, 2004.
10. Clatsop Country, Oregon.
Jellied gasoline (napalm) is sometimes used to speed the burning of waste.
11. Coos Country, Oregon.
Occasionally a tree will grow on top of an early stump. Here the second tree has itself been cut.
12. Harney Country, Oregon.
1 comment:
Scans source: Robert Adams: Turning Back - A Photographic Journal of Re-Exploration - Fraenkel Gallery and Matthew Marks Gallery, 2005.
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