Léon Spilliaert (Ostend, 1881 - Brussels, 1946)
1. Trees, white and black. India ink and watercolor on paper (1941).
2. Seedlings around the trees. Gouache, pen, India ink and wash on paper (1933).
3.Trunk of beech and branches in the spring. Pencil and watercolor on paper (1930).
4. Branches of trees. Watercolor, India ink and pen on paper (1941).
5. Gnarled trunk. India ink, pencil, pen, black chalk and gouache on paper (1938).
6. Winter landscape with ivy. Pencil, watercolor and gouache on paper (1915).
7. Trees in the Flood. Watercolor on paper (1944).
8. Spring in Brabant. Conté pencils, India ink, gouache, watercolor and pastel on paper (1920).
9. Landscape with tall trees. India ink and Conté pencils on paper (1900-1902).
10. Park. India ink and watercolor on paper (1944).
Scans source: Anne Adriaens-Pannier - Leon Spilliaert, le regard de l'ame. Ludion 2006.
Just found your blog and I'm loving it.
Will, thanks for visiting my blog. You're welcome.
beautifull stuff....keep it up mate...its all wonderfull. Is it possible to download your music...how?
Hi MarviniusMartinium! Thanks for the kind comment and welcome on Chaudron. For the music, just right click on the track link and then save link as file.
I've been popping by your blog in the last few weeks and, same as Will, I'm loving it.
I haven't found an email address so I'll have to ask here:
Since these are, if I'm not mistaken, your scans, may I reblog them on my Tumblr blog (with proper credit given, of course)?
I won't leave a link here because I don't want to spam, but if you need to see it, it's available through my Blogger profile.
Hello Ana and welcome here.
Thanks for your appreciation.
There is no problem, I'm glad if you reblog my scans in The Zeka
Thank you!
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