1. Initiated on a bed of leaves during the journey to the land of the dead to meet the Bwiti ancestors - Libreville region, Gabon.
2. The Sorceress - Lagos, Nigeria.
3. Hogon, the priest of Lébé - Bandiagara, Mali.
4. Baluba boy with pearls (each pearl representing a member of his family) - Democratic Republic of Congo.
5. Griot playing balafon - Gambia.
6. The Eze Izombe (The priest that sees the spirit of the dead) - Amakpu, Imo, Nigeria.
7. A masked healer - Ivory Coast.
8. Gadget of the voodoo ritual - Togo.
9. This woman must not leave the rope that binds her to the gods, to not reveal the secrets that protect the voodoo - Kumasi, Ghana.
10. The child sorcerer of Kinshasa - Democratic Republic of Congo.
11. Bwiti adept. He can talk with deads by eating the sacred plant called "Iboga". - Gabon.
12. Woman possessed by Legba, the protector of villages and roads - Lomé, Togo.