1. The tent is always assembled by women, mainly servants. They dig holes in the ground for the stake, then tamp the sand around it. When the stake is in place, the skin is attached by a lace.
2. Targui of Kel Rela. Arrangement of the veil. Here the top covers the bottom, but there is also a contrary fashion, although quite rare.
3. A Berber man of Dag Rali tribe.
4. Girl of Kel Ahnet wearing multiple braids hairstyle. On her chest talismans of Quranic inspiration.
5. The inside of a tent. The bags are hung on uprights. The young children play on the floor where a thick layer of fine sand was placed.
6. Old noble woman of the tribe of Kel Real weaving a bag with yarns of goat hair.
7. Hunting with dogs is common among Tuaregs. For this purpose, they employ a North African breed of dog similar to the arab greyhound, called Sloughi. The photograph shows a hunter of éklan caste holding a couple of dogs on a leash and getting ready to track down mouflons.
8. In addition to hunting with dogs, Tuaregs practice trapping. Here we see the placement of a radial trap and the securing of the lasso on a large tree branch stuck in the ground and hidden by a layer of sand.
9. Stone Circle of ancient origin which is supposed to refer to a solar cult. Photograph taken near Mount Serkout.
10. Types of headgear worn by men. The hair is braided and pulled back. The veil passes around the forehead, leaving the top uncovered.
11. A Targui man of Kel Ohet tribe.
12. Young Tuareg noblewoman brushing her teeth with a rod. Behind the straw mat around the tent, called "asaber".
13. Young Tuareg couple sitting at the entrance of the asaber. Behind, a household servant "Taklit" of Sudanese origin.
14. Women of the Kel Ahaggar, particularly those of imrad, often travel by donkey. One of them is meeting two friends with whom she exchanges news.
15. Tuareg girl playing on the sand with small rag dolls dressed as warriors.
16. Tent of Aménokal, the supreme leader of the confederation of the Kel Ahaggar. It includes 8 internal stakes, and the covering is made of 60 skins sewn together. The isolated stakes in the foreground are used to keep the "asaber" at night.