Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Fausto Melotti - The Art of Counterpoint

Fausto Melotti (1901 - 1986)

1. Fantasia, 1972. Brass.

2.  Pavane pour des enfants defunts, 1960. Brass and bronze.

3. Jonio, 1962. Brass.

4. Gli effimeri (Ephemerals), 1978. Brass and fabric.
A score of weightless ideograms like water insects that seem to whirl on a brass structure screened by gauze thread. ~ Italo Calvino. 

5. Ahi! Come presto stridono i venti, misti alia fredda pioggia autunnal..., (da un duetto di Mendelssohn) (Oh! How quickly the winds screech, mixed with the cold autumnal rain..., [from a Mendelssohn duet]), 1966. Brass and bronze. 

6. Festa alla torre di Babele (Feast on the Babel Tower), 1971. Brass.  

7. Scultura C - Infinito (Sculpture C - Infinity), 1969.  Inox steel.

8. Uomini e superuomini (Men and supermen), 1960. Brass. 

9. Monumento al nulla (Monument to nothing), 1972. Copper and inox steel.

10. I lavandai (The laundrymen), 1969. Brass.  

11. Tema e variazioni IV (Theme and Variations IV), 1970. Brass.

12. Contrappunto VIII (Counterpoint VIII), 1971. Inox steel.

13. Canone variato I (Varied Canon I), 1967. Inox steel.

1 comment:

  1. Scans source: Jean-Louis Andral, Simonetta Fraquelli, Maurizio Pollini - Fausto Melotti. L'art Du Contrepoint - Musée Picasso, Antibes. 2002.

    Fondazione Fausto Melotti
