Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Japanese Theatre Actors

1 - 4. Kinoshita Junji (1914 – 2006) in "Twilight Crane" (Yūzuru, 1949).

5. The imposing silhouette of the actor Kikugoro in a classic kabuki play called Kanjincho.

6. Kampei and Okaru interpreting Chushingura, a very popular kabuki.

7. Two dancers of the kabuki ballet company directed by Iusuke Hanayaghi.

8. The dancer Kinosuke in a kabuki dance.

9. Kabuki scene.

10. Love scene played by Ebizo (man) and Baiko (woman) in a kabuki drama by Kawatake Mokuami.

11. Love scene interpreted by Uzaemon (man) and Nizaemon (woman) in a  kabuki piece of the dramatist Kawatake Mokuami.

12. A scene from kabuki theater presented by the company directed by Iusuke Hanayaghi.

13. Noh scene.

14. Scene of Noh drama.

15. Scene of Noh drama. 

16. The costume of the lead actor in a Noh drama.

17. The Bugaku, a classical court dance.

1 comment:

  1. Scans sources: La Revue Française - numero special "le Japon" - supplement au numéro 41, Décembre 1952.
    Piero Lorenzoni. Storia del Teatro giapponese - "Le piccole storie illustrate" Sansoni, 1961.
    Jean Jacquot - Les theatres d'Asie - Editions du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Paris, 1978.
