Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Bram van Velde - Derriere Le Miroir (Behind the Mirror) and other lithographs

The color, virgin expression, new, without cage,
without routine, without limitless, sunbath, lightbath.
Bram Van Velde (Zoeterwoude, 1895 - Grimaud, 1981)

1. Cover of the french art magazine "Derrière le miroir" (Behind the Mirror) N°240, published by Maeght in October 1980.

2. La Jeune Fille (The Girl) (Derrière le miroir 240) - 83,5 x 60, 5 cm. 1980.

3. Cover of the french art magazine "Derrière le miroir" (Behind the Mirror) N°216, published by Maeght in November 1975.

4. Vif (Derrière le miroir 216) - 51 x 38,5 cm. 1975.

5. Paysage (Landscape) (Derrière le miroir 216) - 46,5 x 66 cm. 1975.

6. Souvenir Duthuit (Derrière le miroir 216) - 46,5 x 66 cm. 1975.

7. Cover of the french art magazine "Derrière le miroir" (Behind the Mirror) N°43, published by Maeght in February 1952.

8. Fond Blanc (White Background) - 68 x 64,5 cm. 1974.

9. Affiche avant N°150 (Poster before No. 150) - 73,5 x 62,7 cm. 1975.

10. Ensemble - 64 x 79,5 cm. 1978.

11. Attrait (Attraction) - 77,5 x 55 cm. 1978.

12. Sans Mot (Without Word) - 35 x 29,5 cm. 1980.

13. Pénombre (Penumbra) - 35 x 30 cm. 1980.

14. Greffe (Graft) - 35,5 x 29 cm. 1980.

15. En Dedans (Inside) - 74,5 x 54,5 cm. 1978.

16. La Chose (The Thing) - 47,5 x 60 cm. 1978.

17. Hantise (Haunt) - 48 x 63 cm. 1978.

18. Le Feu (the Fire) - 42,5 x 57 cm. 1980.

19. Partage - 42,5 x 57 cm. 1980.

20. Grise Nuit (Gray Night) - 47,5 x 65,5 cm. 1975.

21. Inquiétude (Anxiety) - 34 x 50 cm. 1978.

22. Centrée (Centered) - 49 x 45,5 cm. 1975.

1 comment:

  1. Scans Source: Bram van Velde. Lithographies originales - Maeght Editeur, Paris, 1993.
