Thursday, October 22, 2015

Hap Grieshaber- Woodcuts

Helmut Andreas Paul Grieshaber
(Rot an der Rot,  1909 - Reutlingen, 1981)

1. Two characters from the Commedia dell'Arte (Scapino)
(from "the Large Garden"), 1965.

2. Whale Capsizes Boat.
(The Angel of History 21: Stop the whale hunt), 1973.

3. Pan, 1939.

4. Carmina Burana, 1969.

5. Vietnamese Pot-bellied Pig, 1964.

6. Arlecchino, 1965.

7. Camel with Saddle Cloth, 1959.

8. First Fall (The Stations of the Cross), 1969.

9. Carl Orff, Astutuli, 1965.

10. Angel in the storm, 1962.

11. The Wheel, 1965.

12. Musica Viva, 1960.


  1. Scans source: Willem Sandberg, Margot Fuerst - Hap. Grieshaber, der betroffene Zeitgenosse. Verlag Gerd Hatje, 1979.

  2. janas i am a fan of your site. i come ever now and then as look at the visuals
    and download and burn cds of the mp3s. chauldron vol 1, 2, and 3. coming back
    i wonder if there is any way to search for the latest additions to the list of mp3s?
    as i get endlessly confused as to what i have already explored. let me know

    ps i love the joseph byrd piece. i was a fan in high school of his group the united states of america.

  3. Welcome back, dear Roberth. Thanks for following my blog.

    For future visits, as a reference point, you can copy the entire sounds list with notepad. Remember, three tracks for each post, almost always every month.

    p.s. joseph byrd is not in my list :)


  4. Amazing post man!
    Of course... each time I reach this blog tears come from the eyes: Total Joy

    Thanks for sharing your discoveries


  5. Thank you friend for the nice words. Come back when you want, you are always welcome.

  6. janas you are right about the joseph byrd piece not being on your list. somehow the joseph byrd mp3 crept onto my cd chauldron vol 1. every other piece is from your list. it is a lovely piece. the only way to correct this is to send you a link for the piece. sendspace keeps links active for only 10 days. so get it soon. i think you will like since i used to believe i got it from you

  7. Ciao Roberth! Thanks for the link (an interesting piece) and to make the blog more dynamic.
