Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Aesop's Fables illustrated by Fulvio Bianconi (1946)

1. The Wolf and the Sheep
2. The Mosquito and the Lion
3. The Fox and the Grapes
4, 5. The Fly
6. The Wild Boar and the Fox
7, 8. The Deer and the Vine
9, 10. The Fighting Cocks and the Eagle
11. The Earthworm and the Fox
12.  The Hen and the Cat
13, 14. The Oxen and the Axle-Trees

1 comment:

  1. These illustrations were scanned from the book: Favole di Esopo (Classici per Ragazzi) - tradotte in versi da Ferdinando Giannessi e illustrate da Fulvio Bianconi - Volume Primo. Poligono, 1946.

    Fulvio Bianconi (1915-1996) was one of the most famous post-war Italian graphic designers.
    He conceived a huge number of covers and illustrated very many books for the most successful Italian Publishers, such as Mondadori, Vallardi, Garzanti, etc.

    Fulvio Bianconi Biography
