Sunday, April 14, 2013

Dreamtime - Australian Aboriginal Paintings

1. Timmy Payungka Tjapangati - Possum Dreaming for Children, 1972 - acrylic on hardboard, 60 x 50 cm.

2. Walter Tjampitjinpa - Wild Potato story, 1972 - acrylic on hardboard, 64 x 54,5 cm.

3. Billy Stockman Tjapaltjarri - Yala (Wild Potato) Dreaming, 1971 - acrylic on hardboard, 54,5 x 46 cm.

4. Shorty Lungkata Tjungurrayi - Children's Water Dreaming (Version 2), 1972 - acrylic on hardboard, 61 x 44 cm.

5. Anatjari Tjakamarra - Big Pintupi Dreaming ceremony, 1972 - acrylic on hardboard, 51,5 x 43,3 cm.

6. Tim Leura Tjapaltjarri - Travelling Honey Ant Dreaming (Version 7), 1972 - acrylic on hardboard, 45,5 x 30,5 cm.

7. Tim Leura Tjapaltjarri - Yam Spirit Dreaming, 1972 - acrylic on hardboard, 70 x 54 cm.

8. Uta Uta Tjangala - Women's Dreaming, 1972 - acrylic on hardboard, 45 x 37 cm.

9. John Tjakamarra - No title, 1972 - acrylic on hardboard, 66 x 47 cm.

10. John Tjakamarra - Men and Women, 1972 - acrylic on hardboard, 71 x 51 cm.

11. Yala Yala Gibbs Tjungurrayi - No title, 1971-1972 - acrylic on hardboard, 73 x 51 cm.

12. Nosepeg Tjupurrula - Three ceremonial poles, 1971 - acrylic on hardboard, 56,2 x 70 cm.


  1. Scans source: Judith Ryan et Philip Batty - Aux sources de la peinture aborigène. Australie, Tjukurrtjanu. textes de John Kean, R. G. (Dick) Kimber, Fred Myers Luke Scholes et Paul Sweeney. Somogy Editions d'Art / Musée du quai Branly , Paris, 2012.

    By transposing to recycled wooden panels the motifs employed in ephemeral ritual paintings, the Aborigine artists of Papunya created an astonishingly inventive formal art, saturated with meaning. These works change the manner of understanding the territory and conceiving the history of Australian art.
    The works of the Papunya Tula movement have their iconographic source in the living tradition of the Aborigines of the central desert: ancestral designs on the shields, flint knives, headbands, ephemeral paintings on the ground and paintings of body art.

    the sources of aborigine painting

  2. Thanks for sharing these beautiful Aboriginal paintings. I am big fan of Aboriginal Art work and at all times collecting this relevant information.

  3. Yes, really beautiful paintings.
    Welcome on Chaudron, Garner and thank you for leaving a comment on this post. I appreciate it.
