Friday, December 7, 2012

Jean Lurcat - Tapestries

1. The Sparrow-owl, 1954. 1m 44cm x 1m 10cm.

2. Blue Forest, 1953. 2m 05cm x 1m 50cm.

3. Blue Scarlet, 1953. 1m 70cm x 95cm.

4. The He-goat and the Astrapatte, 1949. 1m 50cm x 2m 45cm.

5. The Poet's Garden, 1955. 3m 60cm x 7m 15cm.

6. Wine and Music or the Little Grey Wine, 1954. 2m 22cm x 3m.


  1. Scans source: Jean Lurcat - Tapisseries. Six reproductions en couleurs - Pierre Vorms, éditeur a Belvès, Dordogne, 1959. (portfolio with six colour plates)

    Jean Lurçat (1892-1966)

    Inspired by an encounter with one of the largest surviving tapestries from the Middle Ages, the Apocalypse d’Angers, Jean Lurçat stirred his French colleagues to revive the spirit of tapestry weaving as an art form during the late 1930’s. By 1939, with a new and bold visual vocabulary, Lurçat was making cartoons solely meant for the production of tapestry on hand-operated looms in tradition techniques. His single-handed reform of tapestry production during this time centered on bringing the art back to its medieval traditions by drawing on tapestry as a medium in and of itself. The simplicity of the design and the strict palette of this tapestry match Lurçat’s own intuition and quest to inspire monumentality in the art of weaving ~ Vojtech Blau

  2. Welcome back, dear Will.
    I'm glad you enjoyed these tapestries.

  3. How vibrant! I recently wrote a post about his friend Jean Picart le Doux; now that I've seen your feature I will add a link to it

  4. Vibrant and flamboyant as the clouds and the grass of the Angers Apocalypse.
    Ciao Laura, thank you for reporting this, really a nice post!
