Monday, August 13, 2012

Rite of Passage - Tapinu 'e Mortu (rug of the dead) Crossing the threshold of pulsing colors

The "tapinu 'e Mortu" or "Tapinu de Mortu" (rug of the dead) is a rare Sardinian small rug (resembling the Turkish kilim) which was traditionally used as evidence of death during the funeral lament in the wake.

The "Tapinu de Mortu" of Museum of Popular Life and Traditions, Nuoro. cm83x174. (End of XVIII c., beginning of XIX c.)

1. The central motif.

2. Detail of the striped pattern.

3. Detail.

4. Complete view of the rug.

The "Tapinu de Mortu" of Ethnographic Section of G.A. Sanna Museum in Sassari. cm76x230. (End of XVIII c., beginning of XIX c.) (Photos: Stefano Flore and Gianni Pulina.)

5. The central motif.

6. Detail of the warp and weft of the rug.

7. Detail of the striped pattern.

8. Complete view of the rug.


  1. Images scanned from the books:
    Marisa Mura - Tessitura tradizionale in Sardegna, un caso particolare - Editore Gallizzi, (1998?).
    Gerolama Carta Mantiglia, Paolo Piquereddu, Raimondo Santucci - Il Museo Etnografico di Nuoro - Banco di Sardegna, 1987.

  2. Dear Janas,

    I love textiles and I realize it is one of the things that are really hard to appreciate in a digital form. I love the aspect of the touch under my fingers. However without you I would never had gotten the even the feeling of wanting to touch these Tessituras! They are indeed lovely and at the same time very sincere and full of decorum even sinister … Maybe because of their connection with the border of life and death.
    Thank you for posting them …

  3. Yes, Brother Bolingo, touching tissues with your hands is the first reading. One thing I mostly appreciate in old rugs is the change of tonal gradation over time, due to the photosensitivity of the vegetal dyes used to color the wool. Thanks again for the sounds carried by the luobaniyan wind.
